FAMTS is of the opinion that strong and visible management leadership is critical for promoting a culture conducive to reducing risks. FAMTS requires that senior management provide a leading role towards constant HSE improvement through:
- Visible leadership
- Communicating the importance of HSE considerations in all business decisions
- Communications with stakeholders
Management is expected to foster the active involvement of employees and contractors in improving HSE performance by encouraging a positive HSE culture through the following key beliefs in safety:
- The health and safety of people has first priority in achieving FAMTS’s excellence goals.
- All injuries and occupational illnesses can be prevented.
- Top management must be committed to safety excellence through visible personal
- Safety is an integral part of every job and every employee has a responsibility for safety.
FAMTS conducts annual employee surveys, and requests feedback on the company’s ability to provide a safe and healthy workplace.
Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy Statement
FAMTS Integrated Services Limited activities shall be planned and executed to eliminate injuries to personnel, Subcontractors, third parties, general public while minimizing the impact on the environment of our activities. The HSE Management System is designed to provide safety and the lattice HSE Policy on Health Safety and Environment through the following measures;
• Comply with all relevant legislation appropriate to our operations.
• Set and implement our Health Safety and Environment objectives
• with a strong commitment to continual improvements.
• Avoid injury to and preserve the Safety and Health of its employees as well as those of sub-contractors and any third party that may be directly or indirectly affected by such activity.
• Ensure accident free operations at all times
• Integrate the Safety, Health and Environment protection in all aspects in its business activities
• Secure company and clients’ assets.
• Ensure all staff and sub-contractors are committed with the terms of this policy.
• Provide a safe working environment where everybody has a joint responsibility for HSE
• No activity would be carried out unless considered safe
• All personnel must plan and perform their work in accordance with this policy.
• Any activity which is in the opinion of the employee cannot be carried out in accordance with this policy must be suspended and reported immediately to the relevant supervisor.
The purpose of FAMTS HSE policy and Strategic Objectives is to ensure that FAMTS as a company carry out appropriate action to comply with all applicable regulations governing Electrical, Power System Networks, Mechanical Construction, Material supply services, QA/QC Inspection Services and general industry and client requirement and to provide a standard procedure for all work activities necessary for the enforcement of our health and safety policy.
• Provide a standard method of reporting occupational injury, illness or fatality to client.
• Provide a standard method of storage and disposal of hazardous waste in accordance with statutory requirements.
• Provide a basic outline for FAMTS Integrated Services Limited and Client required employee training and documentation.
• Provide a basic outline for the establishment of site medical and sanitation facilities and arrangement of outside medical back up.
• Provide for basic fire prevention program and ensure that hazardous, flammable and combustible materials are handled and stored in accordance with applicable standards.
• Ensure that all required written procedures are in place and conform to all required regulations.
• Eliminate or reduce personal injury and damage to properties, materials and equipment.
The management of FAMTS Integrated Services Limited shall use the policies to communicate its intentions and expectations to employees, contractors and stakeholders.
Policies and commitments to the policies are mandatory in all FAMTS .operational sites.
Within FAMTS, these policies are reviewed annually as part of the formal HSE management review.
To ensure the successful implementation of the health policy, FAMTS Integrated Services Limited shall:
• Preserve the health of its personnel and third parties
• Ensure all staff of the company undergo medical fitness test prior to employment and on regular basis.
• Ensure smoking of cigarettes, cigars or pipe is prohibited within work locations and designated no-smoking areas are adhered to.
• Evaluate the risk to health associated with exposures to hazards and take action to eliminate, substitute or adequately reduce them.
• Ensure all catering premises and activities, over which HSE has prevailing influence; present no risk of illness to personnel or third parties.
• Protect food and water from the risk of contamination of any kind.
• Accept the use of hazardous products, provided precautions are taken to eliminate or reduce to “ALARP” any risk or hazards associated with the use of such products during operation.
• Dispose off hazardous waste in strict accordance with company, Client and Government approved disposal procedure
In the bid to reduce operating costs, shutdown and unhealthy Company/Community relationship, FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED will pay due homage to community leaders in area of operation and employ/engage 60% of the non-contracted work force where necessary.
The implementation of the Company Relations plan shall be the responsibility of Community/corporate Affairs Department. FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED shall engage a community liaison officer who shall liaise be between the community and the company on development projects.
FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED has it as a policy and function to manager community affairs as an integral part of the company’s business with a view to maintaining good relationship between the company and her host community.
Prior to mobilization to any locality, FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED shall pay a visit to the community chiefs and leaders, all in an attempt to co-operate and interface with the client and third parties to avoid unnecessary delays, shutdown and of cause unwarranted loss of man hours.
Operations at any location shall not commence until Company-Community relationship is cordially established.
Any Community disturbance or threat shall be reported to client without delay.
It is an offence for any employees to indulge in the following, while working or residing in any work location being operated by FAMTS Integrated Services Limited;
• Under the influence of alcohol
• In possession of or under the influence of any non-prescription drug as Cocaine, marijuana, cannabis, and in possession of other illegal or controlled substances
• Smoking within prohibited areas
To ensure compliance to this policy;
• All belts shall be provided in all company operation vehicles for use
• All drivers shall prior to take off have their seat belts fastened at all times and advice their passengers to do same.
• The use of seat belt while on company business is mandatory
• Security officers at work sites and company premises gates should carry out visual inspections of any company or other vehicles entering or leaving company premises to ensure all occupants comply to this directive.
• Security officers should bar any vehicle from leaving or entering the premises until all occupants of the vehicle have complied with the directive.
• While in the premises or work sites, it is the responsibility of the HSE officer, foreman, supervisor and indeed any member of line management present to monitor and ensure that every one in company owned vehicle fastens his/her seat belts.
• Warning signs shall be placed at designated areas
• Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against any staff that violates this policy.
• Regular maintenance shall be carried out on all company equipment and unserviceable equipment shall be locked out and tagged out of use.
• The objective of such routine Preventive maintenance is to reduce equipment downtime and lost time incidents resulting from lack of maintenance culture.
• Routine maintenance shall be planned and executed, as may be required based on manufacturer’s instructions. The aim is to put all equipment in serviceable order for hitch free operation/use.
• It is mandatory that equipment operators immediately report breakdowns or faults observed in their equipment. Late reporting of faults shall be met with appropriate management consequence.
• Toolbox meetings on proposed equipment maintenance must precede the maintenance work planned for each day.
• Only experienced and trained personnel shall be in the maintenance department.
• The implementation of the maintenance policy shall be the responsibility of the maintenance engineer.
FAMTS Integrated Services Limited shall protect and preserve the environment within its operation.
To achieve this;
- The workforce shall ensure that company operations do not have any adverse effect on the air, water, soil, plant and animals within work
- waste receptacle shall be colour coded
- All wastes generated when executing projects are managed in compliance with standard requirements to minimise impact on the environment.
- Regular environmental/waste management audit shall be conducted.
- All operations shall be carried out in conformity with National laws and regulations on environmental sustainability.
- Remediate and restore sites which have been impacted.
FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED disallows Night driving or sailing her land and marine operations.
There shall be no night driving of vehicles or sailing of boats except on emergency cases.
Night driving or sailing on emergency cases must be approved by company and/or client’s management.
Any violations will be met with very serious reprisals.
In line with FAMTS policy on Health Safety and Environment, , the Supervisor/ HSE officer is empowered to take any measure within the Company Internal Administrative policy vis-à-vis HSE policy on erring staff.
Any staff warned on three occasions could be dismissed.
FAMTS believes in the protection of our surroundings.
Therefore, in line with FAMTS’s environmental protection policy, we are committed to:
- Respect of the basic concept of protected areas.
- Work with others to maintain a balanced ecosystem.
- Work in partnership with others to make positive contributions towards the conservation of Biodiversity in all the areas of our operations.
It is the policy of FAMTS Integrated Services Limited to ensure that;
- All subcontractors are committed to all FAMTS and her Clients Health Safety and environment objectives rules, regulations and standards.
- Sub contractors shall be closely monitored through audits to ensure that they maintain compliance to standards and procedures and other HSE requirements.
- Work being carried out by sub contractors that does not conform to FAMTS and Client HSE Policy and Plan are stopped.
- Personnel and visitors shall sign in and out in the corresponding register provided
- Areas that are sensitive shall be controlled by ensuring that all personnel and visitors are checked and given access when necessary.
- All workers and visitors at the site shall be given site behavior induction, and be fitted with appropriate PPE, and shall be escorted by the HSE officer as condition for entry.
The movement of equipment and material within and outside the site shall be on materials receive d/ materials issued vouchers
All FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED operations shall be planned and executed in such a way
- Ensure Safety and Security of Employees, lives and property.
- Prevent injury.
- Minimize any adverse effects on the environment.
Every employee/subcontractor of FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED shall therefore perform his work in accordance with this policy:
It is the duty of FAMTS Integrated Services Limited to respond effectively to an emergency within FAMTS which threatens the safety of staff, the general public, the Government ,company , assets or operations.
The implication of this is directed towards the following:
- Saving life
- Caring for the injured
- Protection of the general public and the government
- Limitation of damage to assets
- Defence of the company corporate image
- The appropriate organization facilities and trainings shall be provided.
- Close liaison shall be maintained with the Government and industrial organization and with host communities.
- Regular exercises shall be carried out to confirm the effectiveness of response and any identified improvement made promptly
Regular Audit shall hold both in the company premises and active sites. The essence is to ensure strict compliance to HSE culture in all our operations. Audit schedule shall also be drawn in respect to this and shall hold quarterly for all planned audits while site audit shall hold on any active site. Audit plan shall be strictly monitored by the HSE Coordinator with a follow up on findings.
To ensure the workability of FAMTS Integrated Services Limited journey management systems;
- The company shall appoint a journey Manager in writing
- Drivers will at all times inform the journey manager of every trip, stopovers and termination points.
- Journey Manager shall regularly call to ascertain exact locations of company vehicles and trucks.
- All drivers and operators will be trained, tested and certified.
- HSE department in conjunction with the training supervisor will organize defensive driving programs which would include Porto clinic & Porto glare tests for all drivers and self-driven executives.
- Written, oral, and commentary test will be organized for all new drivers prior to employment
- Permits may be withdrawn if traffic rules are violated.
- Use of seat belt and driving within speed limits shall be enforced
- No night driving/sailing is allowed except in an emergency situation which must be authorized by a Manager.
- Routine vehicle maintenance to enhance roadworthiness of vehicles, trucks and earth moving equipment will be conducted.
- Maintenance Schedule shall be developed to ensure that maintenance history of all vehicles is kept to minimize breakdown on the road, and communication system shall be made available to operational vehicles and trucks.
- Vehicles are selected based on specific requirement and application.
- Road traffic accidents are subject to investigation to ascertain route causes, identified lesson points and disseminate.
- Regular inspections will be carried out on all company vehicles, trucks and earth moving equipment.
- Radio communication system shall be installed in vehicles and trucks for ease of contact and emergency response.
- FAMTS shall in addition adhere to standards consistent with her client’s Journey Management where required
It is the policy of FAMTS Integrated Services Limited to carry out marine operations strictly within existing marine regulations and guidelines applicable to the marine industry, to ensure the safety of crew members, passengers and other third parties.
In pursuance of the above mentioned, the following must be adhered to:
- All FAMTS and client’s company marine procedures shall be applied in all operations.
- Competent marine personnel shall be employed to supervise marine operations.
- No night journeys on inland waterways between 1800 hours and 0600 hours except in cases of emergencies involving significant threat to life or property.
- Entire crew members and visitors that come on board shall use life jackets/ flotation vests.
- All passengers shall be briefed on marine safety.
- A log book or register shall be completed for all trips and maintained.
- Life saving and fire fighting equipment on board shall be regularly checked and kept in top working condition at all times with a navigation route map
- Good radio communication network manned 24 hours shall be part of contingency planning.
- Any marine activity, which is not in agreement with this policy, shall not be started or continued.
FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED is fully committed and in acceptance to comply with the development of the local content of its business as part of immense contribution to the sustainable development of Nigeria and project bearing communities in particular.
In line with our community relations and social response and contracting policies:
• FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED has completely (100%) domicile every of its engineering activities in Nigeria.
• FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED project management teams and Procurement centres shall be domiciled in FAMTS head office at # 77 , Market Road Oyigbo Rivers State with coordination and expediting supports from FAMTS’s branch operations offices.
• FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED shall utilize goods and services procured in Nigeria especially from the host communities.
• FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED shall continue to develop indigenous contractors and utilize local labour and locally manufactured materials wherever possible as enshrined in the contracting policy.
• FAMTS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED guarantees that all fabrication (carbon steel plates of not more than 75mm Client thickness) shall be done in Nigerian.
Housekeeping is an important element of every Safety, Health and environmental management system.. Facilities with poor housekeeping generally have poor safety records, while facilities with superior housekeeping typically have very few injuries.
The best protection against hazards is good housekeeping.
In FAMTS Integrated Services Limited, the following housekeeping rules apply.
• Keep work areas and storage facilities clean, neat and orderly
• Keep all aisles, stairways, passageways, exits and access ways to buildings free from obstructions at all times
• It is every one’s responsibility to pick up and clean up.
• Do not place supplies on top of lockers or other moveable materials at a height where they are not visible from the floor
• Do not let materials and supplies that are no longer needed to accumulate
• Return tools and equipment to their proper place when not in use
• When piling materials for storage, make sure the base is firm and level. Cross tie each layer
• Garbage, scrap, and other trash materials are to be disposed of in containers constructed of non-combustible materials or approved non-metallic
• Material and equipment will be stored only in appropriate storage locations.
• Liquid spills are to be cleaned up immediately.
• Equipment is to be kept clean and in good working condition.
• Lay out extension cords, air hoses, water hoses, ladders, pipes, tools etc, in such a way as to minimize tripping hazards or obstructions to traffic
• Individual work areas are to be kept clean to ensure that work activities may proceed in an orderly and efficient manner.
• Tools, supplies, parts, and equipment will not be used in a manner that would be hazardous or adversely affect the work quality. Control should be used to insure that the work area is maintained in an acceptable manner.
• Trenches, pits, or sumps are to be covered or barricaded at all times.
• Welding splatter and slag should be contained with the use of high temperature protective screens or shields. Welding splatter or slag should be cleaned up before leaving the work site for an extended period of time. The entire moveable containers at a work site will be cleaned at the end of the work shift.
• Dispose of all packaging materials properly to reduce the risk of fire
FAMTS Integrated Services Limited recognizes the importance of staff up-grade to improve competence and performance through:
• Relevant and work related training and competence development.
• The company shall organize relevant internal trainings for staff using qualified and experienced trainers.
• The company shall send its personnel on externally organized training programs as required.
• The company shall provide fund for the training of its personnel
• The company shall develop training plan for personnel.
• All newly recruited personnel shall undergo compulsory HSE induction and on-the-job FAMTS training.
• Competent and eligible personnel shall attend relevant seminars, workshops and conferences of company interest.
• A “train the trainer system’’ shall be operated according while maintaining a training dossier.
• FAMTS aims at Zero Goal in all operations, “No harm to persons, the environment and No damage to equipment” throughout the duration of projects.
• Encourage and promote good health of personnel.
• Manage all risks associated with activities to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
• Improve awareness and commitment to HSE principles in all FAMTS operations.
• Sustain management commitment to Health and Safety of its personnel and third parties.
• Increase the level of HSE awareness and competency amongst employees.
• Minimize the impact of operations on the environment.
• Meet all relevant regulatory and legislative requirements.
• HSE performance indicators are set and reviewed monthly for continuous improvement.
• Evolve an effective means of waste management in order to mitigate any environmental nuisance or impact.
• Encourage and promote accident prevention programs and activities.
• Employee commitment and contributions to the success of the HSE plan are reviewed and recognition given to affected persons.
• Accidents and incidents will be reported to Client immediately they occur and put in writing within as incident notification within 24hrs.
• Investigation shall be carried out and report submitted within a minimum of 2weeks.
To ensure operation excellence we integrate HSE ideals and issues into our work plans and carry out our tasks through:
• Enhancement of Staff HSE hazard awareness at all levels
• Use of competent staff on the various job to maintain a high level of safety throughout work execution
• Safeguarding the integrity of our facilities and that of our clients.
• Analyze major equipment failures and develop trends for a pro-active response and supports our HSE Performance in measurable terms.
• Review Operational Procedures and improve personnel adherence to them.
• Ensure compliance with best HSE practices during job execution
• Meet and sometimes exceed set HSE objectives and targets
• Sustain strategies for environmental protection and waste management, analyze all risks associated with our projects and establish control measures that would reduce risks to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).